Open Source libraries to make apps and app development fast and fun - less boilerplate and managing infrastructure code
Our open source libraries run on over a billion devices and are used by large companies with especially high performance requirements.
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Mobile News from greenrobot
Library updates, new releases, related developments in open source, mobile databases, and Android
ObjectBox 0.9.7 Beta Release
Our new mobile database ObjectBox gets an update: 0.9.7 adds features to queries (for example getting results lazily, more data types supported) and comes with a couple of internal changes. For details, please check the release notes.Continue reading→
ObjectBox Presentation and Thank You
Only two days ago, we released ObjectBox beta publicly. We are excited about the reactions from the developer community and want to share our experience (and first slides!) with you.
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ObjectBox – The new Mobile Database (Beta)
ObjectBox is a new mobile object database optimized for performance. With ObjectBox, we are bringing technology from NoSQL server databases to mobile. We are impressed by the resulting performance advantage and invite you to try it for yourself. Go make your apps run faster!
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Android Things for IoT developers
Android Things™ was revealed by Google on December 13, 2016. Formerly know as Brillo, which was announced during Google IO 2015, Android Things now is available as a developer preview. The Android Things SDK documentation basically says that developers can use almost the full Android stack for mobile. On top of that there is the “Things Support Library” offering APIs to interact with peripherals and “user drivers”. Both expose a Java API, so “user drivers” are not that close to the metal as the name might suggest.
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