Only two days ago, we released ObjectBox beta publicly. We are excited about the reactions from the developer community and want to share our experience (and first slides!) with you.
GDG Talk and Slides
On the release day, Markus presented ObjectBox to Android Google Developer Group (GDG). With 80 Android developers attending the meetup the Google Munich office was packed and the perfect occasion for us to get personal feedback on the beta. With so many questions asked, we really have to get a FAQ page very soon… 😉
Reddit and GitHub
We were amazed to see the blast of reactions to our announcement on reddit. With more than 100 upvotes in less than a day, so many positive comments, and lots of questions and feedback streaming in, we feel like we hit a nerve.
We started to channel the feedback and feature requests into our issue tracker on GitHub. This helps us to prioritize and start brainstorming on implementation details. You are welcome to join in and help to define the future of ObjectBox. Oh, and despite we did not put any real content in the repository, we already surpassed 100 GitHub stars.
Thank you
Thank you all for sharing and caring. This is what motivates and encourages us!