Embedded Databases explained

Embedded databases explained

Accelerated by the Corona pandemic, exploding numbers of connected devices and data volumes drive a shift towards decentralized Edge Computing and with it the need for embedded database management systems continues to grow rapidly. Analysts expect the Embedded Database market to grow by 60% annually (CAGR) from 2022-2029.  

What is an Embedded Database?

What is a database vs. a DBMS?

A “database” is an organized collection of (structured or unstructured) data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. The most common database operations are Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD). “Database Management System” (or DBMS) refers to the piece of software for storing and managing that data. However, often the term “database” is also used loosely to refer to a DBMS, and you will find most DBMS only use the term database in their name and communication.

What does “embedded” mean in the database world?

The term “embedded” can mean two different things when used in the context of databases:

  1. Database for embedded systems” is a database specifically designed to be used in embedded systems. Embedded systems are systems consisting of a deeply integrated hardware / software combination, e.g. electronic control units (ECUs), IoT devices. A database for such systems must have
    • a small footprint and
    • be optimised to run on highly restricted hardware
    • thrifty with resource-use, e.g. CPU, Memory, Battery.
  2. Embedded database”: this means that the database is deeply integrated in the software / application. Also referred to as an “embeddable database”,  “embedded database management system” or “embedded DBMS (Database Management System)”. 
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