SQLite access with an ORM – FAQ

What is an Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM)?

An ORM is a layer between the relational SQLite database and the object-oriented app code. The ORM allows the developer to use the database without the need to transform objects into a format suited for the relational database.

Do I need an ORM to work with SQLite?

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performant java hashfunctions

Performant Java hash functions – today’s Java hash problems and our solution

Today, core Java APIs lack high quality hash functions, and 3rd party implementations provide sub-optimal performance. As non-cryptographic hash function are important building blocks of software, this is a major bummer for developers.

Generally, the selection of available hash functions is plenty, and in the last decade, many new hash functions emerged with very good hashing properties. Surprisingly, the core Java API just still offers Adler32 and CRC32, which were designed as checksums many years ago. Of course, there are many hash implementations available outside of the core Java API. However, Continue reading

greenDAO 1.0 Open Source Release

Today, we are happy to announce version 1.0 of greenDAO, which is also the first open source release. With this release, we think greenDAO is ready for a wide developer audience. The preview versions of greenDAO proved to be stable and some apps in the Android Market already use greenDAO. Android developers, stop messing around with SQL, start with greenDAO! 😉
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