V3.2.0 (2020-02-04) AndroidX, incremental @s
- The annotation processor is now incremental (aggregating) resulting in faster overall build times.
- Improved AndroidX support, e.g. ignore androidx.* base classes
V3.1.1 (2017-11-07) Plain Java Support
- EventBus now runs on any Java VM!
This also helps unit testing with Android because it allows plain unit tests use EventBus. - New thread mode MAIN_ORDERED
Note: the correct version to use is 3.1.1 (3.1.0 was a bad deployment to Maven Central).
A special thanks goes out to William Ferguson for his initial contribution for plain Java support.
V3.0.0 (2016-02-04) Annotations
- Breaking change: switching from subscriber method name conventions to annotations
- Using annotations, each subscriber method can set sticky behavior and priority individually
- Annotation processor indexes annotation information for efficient subscriber registration on Android
- Renamed package and artifact id to allow co-existence with libs using EventBus 2 internally
Note: This is a breaking change release: there is no inter-op between EventBus versions 2 and 3; they can run in parallel though.
Thanks to Rick Brock for his initial contribution.
V2.4.1 (2015-11-12) Bug fix release
- Registering for sticky events now considers sticky events of subclasses, not just the exact same event type. This makes the semantic consistent to posting events. Note, that this may lead to subscribers being called more than once if matching sticky events of event type subclasses are available.
- Workaround for an Android bug causing NoClassDefFoundError on some devices
V2.4.0 (2014-11-11) Clean up release
- Removed deprecated APIs: A year ago in Version 2.2.0, a couple of EventBus methods were deprecated and flagged to be removed in a future release. Well, version 2.4.0 is that release. Clean ups like this one keep the API concise and simple.
Note: No new feature were added since 2.3.0. Use this release if you do not rely on deprecated APIs.
V2.3.0 (2014-11-11) Feature release: EventBusBuilder and performance fix
- New EventBusBuilder to configure EventBus instances (including the getDefault() instance, #124)
- Added configuration to disable “No subscribers registered for event” logs (EventBusBuilder, #107, #117)
- Added configuration to disable sending SubscriberExceptionEvent and NoSubscriberEvent (EventBusBuilder)
- Added configuration to fail when subscribers throw exceptions (EventBusBuilder, #55)
- Added configuration to use an existing thread pool (EventBusBuilder, #115)
- Added configuration to disable event inheritance improving performance for apps with high event rates (EventBusBuilder)
- Fixed performance regression sneaked into V2.2.x affecting (first time) registration of subscribers
- Updated to Gradle 2.1, using wrapper
- EventBusTest and EventBusPerformance use Gradle to build
- Added hasSubscriberForEvent to check if currently subscribers exist registered to a given event type
- Improved README.md and extracted an extended HOWTO.md and CHANGELOG.md from it
- Ignore compiler generated methods (#76)
- Various small code improvements (#120 among many others)
Note: This is your last chance to use APIs that were deprecated in V2.2.0. It’s recommended to switch to Version 2.4.0 (or above) at your earliest convenience.
V2.2.1 (2014-05-21) Bug fix release
- Fixed an issue with AsyncExecutor and execution scope
V2.2.0 (2013-11-18) Feature release, subscriber priority
- Register subscribers with a priority to to influence the order of event delivery (per delivery thread)
- Event delivery can be canceled by subscribers so subsequent subscribers will not receive the event
- Added “isRegistered” and “removeAllStickyEvents” methods
- Deprecated registration methods with custom method names and event class filters
- Starting with EventBus 2.2 we enforced methods to be public
- Fixed a race conditions with subscriber registration
- Fixed NoSubscriberEvent delivery after unregister
V2.1.0 (2013-11-15) Bug fix release, experimental util package
- Experimental: AsyncExecutor executes RunnableEx and wraps exceptions into FailureEvents
- Experimental: exception to UI mapping (for now based on dialogs)
- Fixed race condition with queued events that were delivered after subscription was unregistered. This is important for main thread events tied to application life cycle.
- Fixed typos and improved readme (#17, #22, #37, #39)
- Make getStickyEvent and removeStickyEvent generic (#45)
- Fixed bug in SubscriberMethod.equals() (#38)
V2.0.2 (2013-03-02) Bug fix release
- Fixed build dependencies, are “provided” now
V2.0.1 (2013-02-25) Bug fix release, Gradle and Maven Central
- Fixed #15: removeStickyEvent(…) does not remove event the first time
- Introduced Gradle build scripts for main project
- Maven artifacts are pushed to Maven Central starting with this version
- Added Travis CI
V2.0.0 (2012-10-23) Major feature release
- Event methods define for themselves in which thread they get called. This is done by providing “modifiers” to the method name, e.g. onEventMainThread is called by the main thread without further configuration. Have a look at the JavaDoc of the enum ThreadMode for all available thread modes.
- The event method modifiers replace registerForMainThread methods. Moving this information to the method itself should make things clearer.
- Using event method modifiers, subscribers can receive the same event type in different threads if they choose to.
- New “BackgroundThread” modifier for onEvent handler methods ensures that event handler methods are called in a background thread. If an event is posted from a non-main thread, handler methods will be called directly. If posted from the main thread, EventBus will use a background thread to call the handler methods.
- New “Async” modifier for onEvent handler methods ensures that each event handler method is called completely asynchronously.
- Better performance: Delivery of multiple events in the main thread got significantly faster.
- Added sticky events, which are inspired by sticky broadcasts of the Android system. EventBus keeps the most recent sticky events in memory. Subscribers registering with the new method registerSticky, will receive sticky events right away. You can also query and remove sticky events (methods getStickyEvent and removeStickyEvent).
- By listening to SubscriberExceptionEvent, it is possible to react to Exceptions occuring in subscribers.
- Bug fixes, and internal refactorings
V1.0.1 (2012-07-31): Important bug fix release
Please update! Now, EventBus.unregister releases all internal references to the subscriber.