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Mobile News from greenrobot
Library updates, new releases, related developments in open source, mobile databases, and Android
greenDAO 3 Beta released
We just released greenDAO 3 beta: it makes the generator project optional and moves to Java annotations. Before the final release however, we want to get your feedback. In particular, we experimented with alternative annotation processing that gives greenDAO more power while it avoids byte code manipulation.Our goal with greenDAO3 is to put the developer in control over entity classes while augmenting the entity code with a little bit of generated code.
SQLite, ORMs, NoSQL: what Android developers use and why
At yesterday’s Droidcon Berlin barcamp, we compared different database approaches (SQLite, ORMs, NoSQL). In our interactive session we asked about 80 developers how they use databases on Android and what advantages and disadvantages they see in each approach. Here are the gathered results:
Plain SQLite
~40% of the participants have used SQLite without additional tools.
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greenDAO 2.2 with Database Encryption
Encryption is the central feature of today’s greenDAO 2.2 release. Actually, greenDAO seems to be the first Android ORM to officially support SQLCipher (non-beta). Since it’s first (source-only) release in August 2015, greenDAO’s encryption support has been successfully tested in a complex setup for months. So, if you want to store sensitive data in your database, give it a try!
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Avoid NoClassDefFoundError during EventBus registration
There is an obscure scenario causing some older Android versions to throw java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when trying to register subscribers in EventBus. It was reported often in connection to the class PersistableBundle, which was introduced in Android API level 21. It seems like an Android bug with reflection, but of course you don’t want your app to crash. Thus, we just added an FAQ entry with covering some background and a couple of solutions. One preferred solution is to update to EventBus 3 along with the subscriber index. Because the index is created during build time, it avoids problematic (and slow) reflection altogether!
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