Community Contributions

As of now, we didn’t accept any code contribution (pull requests) from the community. This is going to change in the near future. As a first step, we have released the greenrobot Contributor Agreement today. If you plan to make contributions you need to print, fill out, and sign the agreement. We need you to send a scanned copy of the agreement to: opensource (at) greenrobot (dot) de.
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greenDAO 1.3 Release

Multithreading and Maven/Gradle support are the two major themes of greenDAO 1.3. If you are using greenDAO from multiple threads, you are highly advised to upgrade to the latest version of greenDAO to prevent deadlocks. Fixing these issues led to small modification to Queries resulting in breaking changes that require small adjustments in your code. We seized this opportunity to refactor code and introduce a couple of new packages. There are a few actions required to upgrade on your side, see below for a list.
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greenDAO 1.1 Release

Since the 1.0 release of our Android ORM tool greenDAO, we saw greenDAOs’ community activity growing. During the last four months we collected developer feedback and added our own experience with greenDAO. Version 1.1 does not come with big changes, but brings evolutionary new features and fixes:
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greenDAO 1.0 Open Source Release

Today, we are happy to announce version 1.0 of greenDAO, which is also the first open source release. With this release, we think greenDAO is ready for a wide developer audience. The preview versions of greenDAO proved to be stable and some apps in the Android Market already use greenDAO. Android developers, stop messing around with SQL, start with greenDAO! 😉
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