greenDAO 2.0 Release

greenDAO 2.0 brings new powerful features to meet the growing demands of today’s apps:

  • Joins: Make your query traverse multiple tables
  • Custom types: A clean solution to support enums and any object inside entities
  • Join entities: Define to-many relations using a join entity (useful for M:N relationships)
  • Annotations & JavaDocs for properties: Add custom code to fields, getters, and setters of entity properties
  • More features and fixes: see changelog

Upgrade notes: greenDAO 2.0 does not require any changes when upgrading from greenDAO 1.3.x. Just adjust your Gradle dependencies:

// For your main project:
compile 'de.greenrobot:greendao:2.0.0'
// For your generator project:
compile 'de.greenrobot:greendao-generator:2.0.0'

What is greenDAO? greenDAO greatly simplifies app development of apps that rely on a local database. Since its release in 2011, countless apps adopted greenDAO as a convenient object-orient interface to the powerful SQLite database. This high level interface (also called object-relational mapping, or ORM) does not require writing SQL or parsing rows and columns. Our and independent studies attest greenDAO superior performance outperforming other solutions by multiples.

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