Today we’re happy to announce two updates. EventBus 2.4.1 fixes a bug with sticky events and a crash on some devices.
greenDAO 2.1.0 comes with a couple for smaller features and improvements:
- Official Robolectric support: workaround for a broken system call in Robolectric triggered by Query.forCurrentThread
- QueryBuilder now allows to create DISTINCT queries to avoid duplicate entities returned
- CursorQuery (beta, API might change)
- Deadlock prevention when loading a list of entities while doing concurrent updates
- Fixed async queries
- Better Android Studio support
- Generator: Possibility to supply custom JavaDoc for entities and their properties
- Generator: Fixed codeBeforeGetter, added codeBeforeGetterAndSetter (see PropertyBuilder)
Thanks to everybody who contributed!
PS.: We also updated the online JavaDocs for both libraries.